Barcode Generator in Excel add in Freeware
How to Generate ISSN Barcodes in MS Excel

How to create, insert and print great quality ISSN barcodes in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

Barcode generator plugin for Excel: generate, print barcode ISSN with check digit in MS Excel, no formula, font install, free download

  • Completely compatible with Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and 2010 versions
  • Generate ISSN barcodes in accordance with the latest ISSN barcode specification
  • ISSN barcodes are produced in the highest possible quality, complying with all printers
  • Draw high quality ISSN barcodes in Excel spreadsheets without any barcode fonts
  • Provide various ISSN barcode settings for users to customize the ISSN barcodes
  • The check digit and quite zones are added by this advanced plugin automatically
  • Easy to link barcodes to contents of cells and generate dynamic ISSN barcodes
  • Change an entire data column or row into barcodes with just a few clicks
  • Require no programming skills in operating this mature plugin for Excel
ISSN Introduction
ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a linear barcode symbology used to identify serial publications. It has two variants: ISSN Supplement 2 (a two-digit add-on), ISSN Supplement 5 (a five-digit add-on). Specially, the data of each ISSN barcode has a prefix of "977" which is reserved within the EAN numbering system to signify an ISSN barcode. This prefix is added by this mature barcode add-in for Excel automatically.

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  • Encodable Character Set: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
ISSN Barcode Generation in Excel

How to Install KA.Barcode for Excel

  1. 1.
    Download and unzip "KA.Barcode for Excel Trial" in your computer
  2. 2.
    Ensure all Excel documents on your computer are closed
  3. 3.
    Run the setup file and then open a new Excel document
  4. 4.
    Click "Install" in the pop-up window "Microsoft Office Customization Installer"
  5. 5.
    Now a tab called "Add-Ins" is placed in the menu bar of the Excel document

How to Create an ISSN Barcode in Excel

  1. 1.
    Start a new Excel document and activate "Add-Ins" tab in the menu bar
  2. 2.
    Find and click "Insert Barcode" button under the menu bar
  3. 3.
    A panel called "KA.Barcode for Excel" pops up on the right after step 2
  4. 4.
    Select "ISSN" in the "SYMBOLOGY" pull-down menu and input valid data
  5. 5.
    Revise the default values, click "Insert". And the required ISSN barcode is generated successfully
  6. 6.
    Users also can modify the created barcodes by clicking "Update"

How to Generate an ISSN Barcode List in Excel

  1. 1.
    Open an Excel document and go to "Add-Ins" tab in the menu bar
  2. 2.
    Click "Insert Barcode" to activate the barcode setting panel
  3. 3.
    Input valid ISSN barcode data in a list of cells and select them all
  4. 4.
    Select barcode type "ISSN" in the "SYMBOLOGY" pull-down menu and click "Insert"
  5. 5.
    Now you can find that a list of ISSN images are inserted in the Excel document

How to Insert an ISSN Supplement 2 or 5 Barcode

  1. 1.
    Activate "Add-Ins" -> "Insert Barcode" and a barcode setting panel appears on the right
  2. 2.
    Select "ISSN Sup2" or "ISSN Sup5" in the "SYMBOLOGY" pull-down menu
  3. 3.
    Input valid data in the box under "VALID DATA", and change default values
  4. 4.
    Click "Insert" and an ISSN Supplement 2 or 5 barcode is generated in the document

How to Link an ISSN Barcode to Cell Contents

  1. 1.
    Open an Excel spreadsheet and draw an ISSN barcode
  2. 2.
    Click "Link Barcode to Cell" button and then select a cell with data
  3. 3.
    Click "Update Barcode" button (To undo it, click "Cancel")
  4. 4.
    Now the ISSN barcode image is successfully linked to the data in the cell
  5. 5.
    Several ISSN barcodes can also be linked to cells and updated at one time
  6. 6.
    Modify the data in those linked cells and choose one of the linked barcode images
  7. 7.
    Then click "Update ". Now all the linked ISSN images are updated
ISSN Featured Settings in Excel
For ISSN Supplement 2 and ISSN Supplement 5, two parameters in "Special Properties" need to be noted here. And they are "Supplement Bar Height" and "Supplement Bar Space".
  • Supplement Bar Height: the bar height of the add-on symbol for ISSN with valid value from 0 to 1.0 inclusive
  • Supplement Bar Space: the distance between the end main barcode and the beginning of the add-on symbol for ISSN with valid value ranging from 7X to 12X ("X" is specified in ISSN specification in detail)
Additionally, if the data that you input is not valid, this add-in will create a feasible barcode image with default data automatically.