Data Matrix Generator in Excel add in Freeware
How to create, make, generate Data Matrix 2d barcodes in Microsoft Excel.

How to generate, display, print Data Matrix 2d barcodes in Microsoft Excel without using font. Free download.

  • Compatible with Microsoft Office Excel 365, 2021, 2016, 2010 & 2007 running on Windows
  • Compatible with ISO/IEC specifications for valid Data Matrix barcode image output
  • Support Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, etc
  • Easily generate and insert 2D Data Matrix in MS Excel spreadsheets
  • Print out high-quality Data Matrix barcode image for all printers
  • Mature and reliable barcode generator for Data Matrix generation in Excel
  • Beside 2d barcode data matrix, Excel Barcode add in also supports creating Code 128 in Excel, QR Code in Excel, Code 39 in Excel also.
Data Matrix Symbology Introduction
Data Matrix, also named as ECC200 & 2D DataMatrix barcode, is a two-dimensional matrix barcode commonly used to mark small items. Being space-efficient, Data Matrix is recommended by American EIA for labeling small electronic components.

KeepAutomation Data Matrix barcode generator for Excel add-in supports Data Matrix barcodes generating in Excel documents. And all of the Data Matrix are compatible with ISO standards.
Data Matrix Code Encoding

Data Matrix encoded character set

Data Matrix barcode supports full ASCII characters and extended ASCII character set encoding.

Data Matrix encodable character set
  • Full ASCII chars code values 0 - 127 in accordance with the US national version of ISO/IEC 646
  • Extended ASCII chars code values 128 - 255 in accordance with ISO 8859-1. These are referred to as extended ASCII.
  • Other character sets (e.g. Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew) may be supported when using the Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) protocol
  • Unicode text in byte array
With barcode generator for Excel, you can easily encode the above characters into Data Matrix in Microsoft Excel documents without any 3rd party software, such as fonts, COM control, VBA, Macro programming.

Maximum length of Data Matrix

Depends on the encoding Data Matrix data type, Data Matrix supports maximum length from 1,555 to 3,116 characters.
  • Alphanumeric data: up to 2,335 characters
  • Byte data (8-bit): 1,555 characters
  • Numeric data: 3,116 digits
If your Data Matrix data exceeds the maximum number of characters, the barcode generator software will automatically generate an empty image with text "Invalid Barcode Settings" printed.

Data Matrix data mode

To encode data efficiently into the Data Matrix symbology, the Data Matrix will apply the following 6 data modes.
  • ASCII (double digit numerics; ASCII values 0 - 127; Extended ASCII values 128 - 255)
  • C40 (Upper-case alphanumeric; Lower case and special characters;)
  • Text (Lower-case alphanumeric; Upper case and special characters)
  • X12 (ANSI X12 EDI data set)
  • EDIFACT (ASCII values 32 - 94)
  • Base 256 (All byte values 0 - 255)
Using Excel barcode generator software, the user does not need worry to choose the best data mode to encode the chars. The user can choose "auto" mode, and the barcode generator software will choose the best data mode for the encoded Data Matrix. However if the user needs encode byte array data, he needs manually those the data mode "Base 256".
Encode non-printable ASCII and extended ASCII characters in Data Matrix in Excel document
To encode non-printable ASCII or extended ASCII characters, the barcode generator software provides a convenient method. You can apply the following steps:
  1. Enable property "Apply Tilde".
  2. Use the following format to represent non-printable characters, "~nnn". Here "nnn" is the character code value in three digits format.
Encode Unicode text in Data Matrix in Excel
Data Matrix does not support encoding Unicode text directly into barcode symbology. However Data Matrix allows byte data encodes. We can convert Unicode text to byte array using UTF8, or other encoding, then we create Data Matrix using byte array data in Microsoft Excel document.
Encode GS1 data in Data Matrix in Excel document
Data Matrix is one of the 2d barcodes as GS1 data carrier specified by the GS1 System. To encode a GS1 element strings into Data Matrix in Excel file, please follow the steps below:
  1. Enable property “GS1 compatible”
  2. For each GS1 application identifier (AI) code, surround the AI code with "()", and followed by its data string. For example "(01)12345678901234(02)8888".
Data Matrix Barcode Generation in Excel
By referring to the following steps, users could easily create Data Matrix barcode image in Excel documents.
  1. Open a new Excel spreadsheet, move to "Add-Ins" tab, and click "Insert Barcode".
  2. Choose a cell, select "DataMatrix" barcode symbology, and input valid data.
  3. Customize Data Matrix property values and click "Insert" button.
  4. Adjust properties of created Data Matrix barcode and click "Update".
Data Matrix List Creation in MS Excel
It is easy to create Data Matrix barcode list in Excel with the steps below.
  1. Go to "Add-Ins" tab to activate "KA.Barcode for Excel" setting panel.
  2. Choose a list of cells, select "DataMatrix" and enter your valid data.
  3. Alternatively, select a list of cells with required data, and choose "DataMatrix" barcode type.
  4. Then click "Insert" to generate the Data Matrix barcode image list in Excel.
Data Matrix Barcode Link to Cell
With the following steps, users can link Data Matrix barcode images to cell in Microsoft Excel documents easily.
  1. Choose the generated Data Matrix barcode image or create a new barcode image.
  2. Click "Link Barcode to Cell" and select a cell with required data.
  3. Then click "Update Barcode". And now the Data Matrix barcode image is linked to the cell.
  4. Users can link multiple barcodes to cells with the same method.
  5. Click "Update" to revise the data in linked cells.