Barcode Introduction > GS1-128/EAN-128
Overview of GS1-128/EAN-128
GS1-128 is also named EAN-128 and UCC-128, which is a subset of Code 128. This barcode type is a continuous, variable-length barcode type. Like Code 128, one checksum digit should be included in the GS1-128. And the checksum can be calculated according to the data and the start character based on modulo 103 calculations.

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GS1-128 uses a series of Application Identifiers to contain additional data, including batch numbers, quantities, weights and many other attributes required by the user. Furthermore, since GS1-128 has the advantage of integrity, compactness, continuity and high reliability, it is widely used for portable data, continuous data segment and label of circulation.
Generation of GS1-128/EAN-128
GS1-128 Generator for .NET - .NET Component that generates GS1-128 for Windows and Web Applications

GS1-128 Generator for Winforms - A windows forms development tool for GS1-128 barcode image generation

GS1-128 Generator for ASP.NET - An ASP.NET SDK to GS1-128 barcode image in ASP.NET projects

GS1-128 Generator for Java - Java Class Library that is used for GS1-128 bar code image generation in Java
Structure of GS1-128/EAN-128
GS1-128 barcode image comprises a left quiet zone, data characters, a symbol check character, a stop character and a right quiet zone. There is a double character start pattern between left quiet zone and data characters. This start pattern consists of a start character and a Function 1 symbol character code (FNC1) from left to right. This barcode image will demonstrate all data characters.
Encodable Data of GS1-128/EAN-128
Like Code 128, GS1-128 also has three data character code sets including code set A, B and C.
Code Set A
  • ASCII characters 00 to 95 (0-9, A-Z and control codes)
  • Several special characters (CODE B and C, FNC 1-4 and SHIFT)
Code Set B
  • ASCII characters 32 to 127 (0-9, a-z)
  • Several special characters (CODE B and C, FNC 1-4 and SHIFT)
Code Set C
  • 00-99 (encodes each two digits with one code)
  • Three special characters (CODE A, CODE B and FNC1)
AI & Function Characters of GS1-128/EAN-128
Many industries can be integrated into GS1 specification when the Application Identifier (AI) is used. This useful function enables barcodes to encode some special information, such as locations, measurements, traceability and so on. In GS1-128 barcode symbology, AI appears after the FNC1 used to identify the GS1 system. Besides, if necessary, FNC1 can be used as Separator Character.
Checksum Calculation of GS1-128/EAN-128
GS1-128/EAN-128 is a self-checking barcode type, which contains one mandatory symbol check digit. This checksum may be calculated by a formula that is the same as Code 128 Check Digit Calculation.
Code 128 & GS1 128 Comparison
Comparison GS1 128 Code 128
Similarities Encodable Data
  • Code Set A
  • Code Set B
  • Code Set C
  • Code Set A
  • Code Set B
  • Code Set C
Check Digit Mode Mode 103 Mode 103
Code Tpye Continuous Continuous
Symbol Length Variable Variable
Function Characters
  • FNC 1
  • FNC 2
  • FNC 3
  • FNC 4
  • FNC 1
  • FNC 2
  • FNC 3
  • FNC 4
Differences Structure
  • Left quiet zone
  • Start character
  • Function 1 Symbol Character(FNC1)
  • Data characters
  • Checksum
  • Stop character
  • Termination bar
  • Right quiet zone
  • Left quiet zone
  • Start character
  • Data characters
  • Checksum
  • Stop character
  • Termination bar
  • Right quiet Zone
Application Used for goods and palettes in commerce and industry. More than one data field can be encoded using Application Identifiers. Used extensively worldwide; In many applications where a relatively large amount of data must be encoded in a relatively small amount of space.