- Mature encoder written completely in C#.NET with strong-named signature and full integration into .NET
- Dynamically print and generate QR Code matrix barcodes in ASP.NET and WinForms applications
- Simple to create and print Quick Response barcode in Crystal Reports and RDLC Reports
- Support QR Code generation in VB.NET and other 2d barcodes like Data Matrix and PDF417
- Create QR Code barcodes and save in Png, Jpeg/Jpg, Gif, Tiff & Bmp image formats in VB.NET
- Offer flexible QR Code settings in VB.NET, like module width, height, orientation, resolution, data mode, etc
- Compatible with latest GS1 specification to encode and produce scannable QR Code images
- Support QR Code special functions, like Data Modes, Version, ECI, ECL (Error Correction Level), etc.
VB.NET QR Code Barcode Generator Overview
KA.Barcode Generator for .NET Suite is a professional QR Code encoder component SDK library, which allows developers to add bi-dimensional QR Code barcoding features into .NET projects using Visual Basic .NET programming. It is easy to be integrated into .NET development environments. With the user-friendly interface, users can adjust various dimensions of the generated QR Code image through VB.NET programming.
Download KA.Barcode for .NET Suite evaluation package for free.
Matrix QR Code Barcode Introduction
QR Code, also named as Denso Barcode, QRCode, Quick Response Code, JIS X0510 & ISO/IE18004, is a widely-used two-dimensional barcode symbololgy with fast readability and large storage capacity.
QR Code in ASP.NET using VB.NET codes
With this Barcode Generator Control, you can generate QR Code barcode image in ASP.NET websites. QR Code barcode generation can be realized by
dragging and dropping the control to Toolbox in your Visual Studio, compiling VB barcoding sample code, or through your IIS.
For detailed operations, you may refer to this
guide for barcode generation using VB class in ASP.NET.
QR Code in .NET WinForms app using VB.NET codes
There are two ways for generating QR Code barcode image in .NET Windows Forms applications. One way is to directly drag the barcoding control to a
Windows Form in your Visual Studio and change barcode settings through the Properties panel. The other way is using VB programming.
Here is a
tutorial for creating barcodes using VB class in .NET WinForms.
QR Code Character Set Encoding in VB.NET
QR Code Encodable Character Set
- Numeric: 0 - 9
- AlphaNumeric: 0 - 9, upper case letters A - Z, and punctuation characters (space, $ % * + - . / :)
- Byte data: (ISO/IEC 8859-1) encoding characters at 8 bits per character
- Kanji Characters
VB.NET QR Code generator software supports all of the above character sets encoding to QR Code 2d barcodes in your Visual Basic .NET applications.
QR Code maximum data characters size
The maximum characters size of QR Code depends on the QR Code properties: Versions and Error Correction Level.
The following maximum data characters per QR Code with Version 40-L
- numeric data: 7,089 characters
- alphanumeric data: 4,296 characters
- byte data: 2,953 characters
- Kanji data: 1,817 characters
VB.NET QR Code generator software will produce an empty image with warning message printed, if your encoding data size has exceeded the maximum number of
data size by QR Code.
QR Code Symbol size and versions in VB.NET
There are forty sizes of QR Code barcode referred to as Version 1, Version 2 ... Version 40.
Version 1 measures 21 modules x 21 modules, Version 2 measures 25 modules x 25 modules and so on increasing in steps of 4 modules per side up to Version 40 which measures 177 modules x 177 modules.
In your vb.net code, customize the generated QR Code versions through property QRCodeVersion. For example: qrcode.QRCodeVersion = KeepAutomation.Barcode.QRCodeVersion.V10
QR Code Error Correction Level (ECL) in VB.NET
Four levels of Reed-Solomon error correction (referred to as L, M, Q and H in increasing order of data recovery capacity) allowing recovery of the QR Code barcode data.
- L: 7%. If your QR Code image is damaged, if the affected area is less than 7% of the whole QR Code, the complete QR Code will still be readable by QR Code reader device or software.
- M: 15%
- Q: 25%
- H: 30%
Using vb.net barcode generator sdk, you could set the QR Code ECL through property
QRCodeECL. For example: qrcode.QRCodeECL = KeepAutomation.Barcode.QRCodeECL.H
QR Code Barcode Generation Using VB.NET Demo Code