How to create, print barcode ITF-14 in Microsoft Excel
- Fully integrate ITF-14 Barcode Add-In into Microsoft Excel 2007/2010
- Generate accurate ITF-14 barcodes according to standards of GS1 system
- Allow easy generation of barcodes by simply clicking several buttons
- Need no barcode fonts and programming skills in this professional plugin
- Various ITF-14 barcode properties are available to be adjusted by users
- Quickly change an entire column or row containing data into barcodes
- ITF-14 barcode data can be linked with Excel cell contents dynamically
- Automatically add the check digit and quiet zones in barcode generation
- The created ITF-14 barcodes are compatible with all printers and scanners
ITF-14 Introduction
ITF-14 (or ITF) is a variant of the Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode with its specification defined by GS1. It is used widely to create the Shipping Container Symbol and mark cartons & palettes. The data string length of ITF-14 barcode is fixed (13 digits in total, excluding a check digit).
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ITF-14 Encodable Character Set:
- Ten numeric digits from 0 to 9: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
ITF-14 Generation in Excel
How to Install KA.Barcode for Excel
Before installation, close all the Excel documents
Download "KA.Barcode for Excel Trial" and unzip it
Double click "KA.Barcode for Excel 2007 Add-In.exe" / "KA.Barcode for Excel 2010 Add-In.exe"
Open a new Excel document on your computer
Now you can see "Add-Ins" in the Excel menu bar
How to Draw an ITF-14 Barcode in Excel
Activate "Add-Ins" tab and click "Insert Barcode" under the Excel menu bar
A barcode setting panel appears on the right after step 1
Select "ITF14" in the "SYMBOLOGY" pull-down menu
Input "1234567890123" in "VALID DATA" as an example
(Optional) Adjust the parameters of the barcode in the barcode setting panel
Click "Insert" and an ITF-14 barcode is successfully generated
How to Create an ITF-14 Barcode List in Excel
Open a new Excel document on your computer
Under "Add-Ins" button, activate "Insert Barcode"
Choose a list of cells and input valid ITF-14 barcode data
Select all those cells and Choose "ITF14" in "SYMBOLOGY" pull-down menu
Click "Insert" in the barcode setting panel
Now corresponding ITF-14 images are created in accordance with the cells contents
How to Link an ITF-14 Barcode to Cell Contents
Create an ITF-14 barcode in an Excel document and click "Link Barcode to Cell"
Next, select a cell with valid data and click "Update Barcode"
After step 2, the ITF-14 barcode is linked to the cell contents successfully
Additionally, several ITF-14 barcodes linked to cells can be updated at one time
To achieve this function, you must make sure all the barcodes are linked to cells
Modify the contents in those cells and then select one of the barcodes
Click "Update" and all the barcodes are updated
ITF-14 Featured Settings in Excel
Each ITF-14 barcode image has Bearer Bars which are mandatory unless it is not technically feasible to apply them. This special parameter of ITF-14 barcodes in this plugin is as follows:
- "Bearer bar (Horizontal)": This is a special parameter of ITF-14 which indicates the width of the barcode horizontal bearer bars.
- "Bearer bar (Vertical)": This is a special parameter of ITF-14 that indicates the width of the barcode vertical bearer bars.
The Bearer Bars aim to equalize the pressure exerted by the printing plate over the whole surface of the symbol and to raise reading reliability by helping to reduce the probability of misreads or short scans.
If printing plates are needed in barcodes printing, the nominal Bearer Bars with a constant thickness of 4.8 millimetres must completely surround the barcode image (including its Quiet Zones) and butt directly against the top and bottom of the bars of the barcode.
If printing plates are not required in barcodes printing, the Bearer Bars with a minimum thickness of twice the width of a narrow bar are needed only at the top and bottom of the symbol, butting directly against the top and bottom of the symbol bars. What's more, printing the vertical sections of the Bearer Bar is not mandatory in this case.
Additionally, the parameter of "Wide Bar to Narrow Ratio" is used to adjust the proportion of the wide bar to the narrowest one. Its valid value is a range of 2.0 to 3.0 inclusive.