Barcode Generator in Excel add in Freeware
How to Generate Leitcode Barcodes in Excel

How to create and print great quality Leitcode barcodes in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

Excel barcode generator add in: how to add, create barcode Leitcode in Excel, no font install, free download

  • Seamlessly integrate into Microsoft Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 versions
  • Barcodes are inserted in accordance with the latest Leitcode specification
  • The generated Leitcode images can be printed on all printers
  • Draw and generate Leitcode barcodes with just a few clicks
  • Add the check digit and quiet zones for each Leitcode barcode automatically
  • The contents of cells can be linked with the Leitcode barcodes dynamically
  • A list of cells filled with data can be turned into Leicode barcodes at one time
  • Users with no programming skills can operate this mature plugin freely
Leitcode Introduction
Leitcode is a numeric, discrete symbology which is used by the German Post (Deutsche Post AG) (Deutsche Frachtpost) in freight post system to track and mail packages. It is also known as Deutsche Post Leitcode Barcode, German Postal 2 of 5 Leitcode, etc.

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  • Encodable Character Set: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Data Length: 13 digits (excluding a check digit)
Leitcode Barcode Generation in Excel

How to Install KA.Barcode for Excel

  1. 1.
    Close all Excel documents to prepare installation
  2. 2.
    Download "KA.Barcode for Excel Trial" evaluation and unzip it
  3. 3.
    Run the setup file and then open a new Excel document
  4. 4.
    Click "Install" in the pop-up window "Microsoft Office Customization Installer"
  5. 5.
    Now, you can see a tab called "Add-Ins" in the Excel menu bar

How Draw Leitcode Barcode in Excel

  1. 1.
    Go to "Add-Ins" tab and click "Insert Barcode" button under the menu bar
  2. 2.
    After step 2, a panel named "KA.Barcode for Excel" setting panel shows up on the right
  3. 3.
    Select "Leitcode" in the "SYMBOLOGY" pull-down menu and enter valid data
  4. 4.
    Click "Insert" and the generation of a Leitcode barcode is finished
  5. 5.
    It is allowed to customize the inserted Leitcode image by clicking "Update"

How to Insert Leitcode Barcode List in Excel

  1. 1.
    Move to "Add-Ins" tab and click "Insert Barcode" under the menu bar of the Excel document
  2. 2.
    Choose a list of cells and fill them with data and select all those cells
  3. 3.
    Select "Postnet" barcode type in the "SYMBOLOGY" pull-down menu
  4. 4.
    Click "Insert" and the creation of a list of POSTNET images is finished

How to Link Leitcode Barcode to Cell Content

  1. 1.
    Start an Excel document and insert a Leitcode barcode
  2. 2.
    In "KA.Barcode for Excel" panel click "Link Barcode to Cell" button
  3. 3.
    Select a cell with data and click "Update Barcode" button (To undo it, click "Cancel")
  4. 4.
    Several POSTNET barcodes can also be linked to cells and updated all together
  5. 5.
    After that, revise the data in those linked cells and click "Update" button
  6. 6.
    Successfully, all the linked Leitcode images are updated in accordance with the revised data in the cells
Leitcode Featured Settings in Excel
In "KA.Barcode for Excel" barcode setting panel, users can adjust various parameters, such as barcode size, rotation, font, etc. As for Leitcode, a parameter of "Wide Bar to Narrow Ratio" needs to be noted here. This parameter is placed in "Special Properties" and designed for users to adjust the proportion of the wide bar to the narrowest one. Additionally, the recommended value is from 2.0 to 3.0 inclusive.