ISBN barcode maker API software is a barcoding functionality of KA.Barcode Generator for .NET Suite, which efficiently enables developers to create high-quality ISBN, ISBN+2, ISBN+5 barcode images in various .NET applications. Flexible settings are provided for easy property adjustment. Besides, all generated images are valid for all printers and scanners.
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ISBN is a widely-used liear barcode symbology also known as International Standard Book Number, Bookland EAN, ISBN+2, ISBN+5, ISBN Supplement 2 (Two-digit Add-On), ISBN Supplement 5 (Five-digit Add-On).
Dim isbn As KeepAutomation.Barcode.Bean.BarCode = New KeepAutomation.Barcode.Bean.BarCode
' Set barcode symbology type to ISBN, ISBN Sup2, ISBN Sup5
isbn.Symbology = KeepAutomation.Barcode.Symbology.ISBNSup2
' Set ISBN valid data: 0 to 9. Data length: 12 digits, starting with "978"/"979"
isbn.CodeToEncode = "978451215466"
' Set ISBN image size
' Unit of measure: Pixel, Cm and Inch
isbn.BarcodeUnit = BarcodeUnit.Pixel
' ISBN image resolution in DPI.
isbn.DPI = 72
' ISBN bar module width (X dimention)
isbn.X = 3
' ISBN bar module height (Y dimention)
isbn.Y = 60
' Image left margin size, minimum is 10X.
isbn.LeftMargin = 0
' Image right margin size, minimum is 10X.
isbn.RightMargin = 0
' Orientation, 90, 180, 270 degrees supported
isbn.Orientation = Orientation.Degree0
' Supplement code. It should be 2 or 5 digits
isbn.SupplementCode = "02"
' Supplement bar height vs bar height ratio.
isbn.SupplementHeight = 0.8f
' Space between barcode and supplement barcode
isbn.SupplementSpace = 15
' Set ISBN human readable text style
' Display human readable text
isbn.DisplayText = true
isbn.TextFont = new Font ("Arial", 10f, FontStyle. Regular)
' Space between barcode and text
isbn.TextMargin = 6
' Generate ISBN barcodes in image GIF format
' Create ISBN barcodes in Stream object
isbn.generateBarcodeToStream(".NET System.IO.Stream Object");
' Draw & Print ISBN barcodes to Graphics object
isbn.generateBarcodeToGraphics(".NET System.Drawing.Graphics Object");
' Generate ISBN barcodes & write to byte[]
byte[] barcodeInBytes = isbn.generateBarcodeToByteArray();
' Generate ISBN barcodes & encode to System.Drawing.Bitmap object
Bitmap barcodeInBitmap = isbn.generateBarcodeToBitmap();
Other image formats including Png, Bmp, Tiff and Jpeg are also available to suit your needs.