How to Generate EAN-128 in RDLC Application

How to Insert EAN-128 Barcode Image in Local Report RDLC
  • Insert GS1-128 barcode creation features into client-side report RDLC
  • Create standard GS1-128 barcode image in RDLC Reports
  • Automatically calculate the checksum digit of EAN-128 symbol
  • Include human-readable text customization for automatic code set selection
  • Support scaling the entire EAN-128 barcode image with the unit of pixel
  • Provide property to increase the margins around symbol to enhance barcode readability
RDLC EAN-128 Barcode Control Overview
KA.Barcode for RDLC is a RDLC development tool that easily adds GS1-128 barcode into RDLC Reports as graphics objects. No other barcode fonts or any third party tool is needed for EAN-128 barcode creation in RDLC Reports.
EAN-128 Barcode Overview
GS1-128 is a standard application barcode built based on Code 128 which is one of the most popular alphanumeric barcode symbology. GS1-128 is used in GS1 applications globally. The GS1 Application Identifiers are encoded with GS1-128.
Download RDLC EAN-128 Barcode Control
RDLC EAN-128 Barcode Control Trial is widely used by developers. Welcome to download this free trial version for testing. The trial version is composed of:
  • End User License Agreement
  • User Manual & Order Page
  • KeepAutomation.Barcode.RDLC.dll
RDLC EAN-128 Barcode Control Trial can be used by developers permanently for demo or testing purposes only because a "KA Barcode" watermark may appear on EAN-128 barcode image generated with this trial version.
How to Insert EAN-128 in RDLC with WinForms Project
  1. Download and unzip the trial version of RDLC EAN-128 Barcode Generator.
  2. Create a new DataSet in your Visual Studio with the name "AdventureWorks.xsd".
  3. Select "Pointer" in the "Toolbox" and drag "TableAdapter" to the new "DataSet".
  4. Create or select a connection to SQL Server AdvantureWorks Sample Database.
  5. Input "SELECT ProductID, Name FROM Production.vProductDescription WHERE (CultureID = N'en') as SQL Statements.
  6. Establish a new column by right clicking "vProductAndDescription" on the dataset, then name the column.
  7. Change the data type to "System.Byte[]".
  8. Add a new "Report" item in "Solution Explorer".
  9. Create a new "Report" item and insert a table to the report.
  10. Add three columns in the dataset to the report table details section.
  11. Drag and drop "Image" item to the last column and name it "Barcode".
  12. Change "Source", "MIMEType", "Value" to "Database", "image/jpeg", "=Fields!Barcode.Value" respectively in "Properties" window.
  13. Then select "Form1.cs[Design]", drag "ReportViewer" to Form1, and bind the data collection.
  14. Add reference "KeepAutomation.Barcode.RDLC.dll" to your project.
  15. Copy C# & VB sample codes below into the method Form1_Load and use "KeepAutomation.Barcode.RDLC" namespace.
  16. Debug to see the created EAN-128 barcode image.
C# Sample code
     private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// load data to the data table this.vProductAndDescriptionTableAdapter.Fill
// create a linear barcode object
BarCode ean128 = new BarCode();
// set barcode type
ean128.Symbology = KeepAutomation.Barcode.Symbology.EAN128;
// draw barcodes for each data row
foreach (AdventureWorks.vProductAndDescriptionRow
row in this.AdventureWorks.vProductAndDescription.Rows)
{// set barcode encoding data value
ean128.CodeToEncode = row.ProductID.ToString();
// set drawing barcode image format
ean128.ImageFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png;

row.Barcode = ean128.generateBarcodeToByteArray();
VB Sample code
     Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
' load data to the data table this.vProductAndDescriptionTableAdapter.Fill
' create a linear barcode object
Dim ean128 As New BarCode()
' set barcode type
ean128.Symbology = KeepAutomation.Barcode.Symbology.EAN128
' draw barcodes for each data row
For Each row As AdventureWorks.vProductAndDescriptionRow In Me.AdventureWorks.vProductAndDescription.Rows
' set barcode encoding data value
ean128.CodeToEncode = row.ProductID.ToString()
' set drawing barcode image format
ean128.ImageFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png

row.Barcode = ean128.generateBarcodeToByteArray()
End Sub
For developers who want to create EAN-128 barcode in RDLC Reports with ASP.NET project, click a detailed tutorial here.
EAN-128 Barcode Properties
View more parameters of EAN-128 barcode here to customize your barcode image.
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