KA.Barcode for Project
How to Insert QR Code in MS Project
How to embed, encode & insert QR Code barcode in MS Project Standard, Professional and Server
  • Simply add density QR Code barcode images in Microsoft Office Projects
  • Easy to install the Office Project barcode add-in and generate QR Code on MS Project files
  • Capable of creating QR Code barcodes in Microsoft Office Project Standard & Professional 2010
  • Make QR Code barcodes in Microsoft Project Server 2003 and up
  • Programming skills are not necessary for generating QR Code in Office Project
  • Easily create single QR Code barcode, and batch QR Code barcodes in Office Projects
  • Simple to modify the QR Code bar width and height in MS Office Project
  • Office Project QR Code Barcode Add-in at a moderate price
Introduction of QR Code
QR Code, also called Quick Response Code, is one of the most widely used barcode type of two dimensional barcodes. It was developed by Denso Wave and it was released with the initial aim of being a symbol in 1994. Nowadays, it can contain a considerably greater volume of information than other linear barcodes.

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Besides, it can be decoded at high speed. This barcode is able to encode abundant data. It is allowable for users to choose the data mode in the "Barcode Settings" panel.

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QR Code encodable character sets contains:
  • Numeric data (digits 0-9)
  • Kanji character
  • Alphanumeric data (digits 0-9; uppercase letters A -Z;) and nine other characters: (space, $ % * + - . / :)
  • Byte data (default: ISO/IEC 8859-1; or other sets as otherwise defined)
QR Code Generation in MS Project

How to Install QR Code Barcode Add-In

  1. 1.
    Download the Project add-in from KA.Barcode for Project
  2. 2.
    Close all your Microsoft Office programs
  3. 3.
    Unzip the QR Code Barcode Add-In for Project Package
  4. 4.
    And then run the setup file
  5. 5.
    Open a new Office Project document to click "Install"
  6. 6.
    After the installation has done, you can generate QR Code barcodes

How to Create QR Code in Microsoft Project

  1. 1.
    Open the Microsoft Project
  2. 2.
    Switch to the QR Code barcode add-in and open the barcode control panel
  3. 3.
    Select the QR Code barcode from the barcode list
  4. 4.
    Input data for QR Code barcodes into the data box
  5. 5.
    To configure the QR Code barcode properties, just input the value in the barcode property box
  6. 6.
    Click "Update", an QR Code barcode image will display on your Project documents