Barcode for RDLC > Generate Barcode in ASP.NET

How to Generate Barcodes in RDLC in ASP.NET

Encoding, Adjusting &Printing Barcodes in RDLC Reports in ASP.NET Web Applications
KA.Barcode for RDLC Reports Details
KeepAutomation Barcode Generator for RDLC is a barcode generation library which is capable of adding dynamic barcode images in RDLC Reports. The RDLC Reports integrated in ASP.NET web applications are supported. This page goes through the system requirement of the generator. Installation and barcode generation guide with C#.NET &VB.NET sample codes is also presented.
Compatibility & Requirements
  • .NET Development Platforms: Visual Studio 2005/2008 /2010, .NET Version greater than 2.0, C#.NET & VB.NET
  • Windows Systems: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and Windows 7
  • Least System Demands: 500 MHZ processor, 128 MB RAM, 5 MB available hard drive space
Test Environment
  • Microsoft Windows XP
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
  • Visual C#.NET
How to Generate Barcodes in RDLC in ASP.NET

Download Demo Package
Create A RDLC Report in Web Forms
  1. Create a web form project in your Visual Studio and add "KeepAutomation.Barcode.RDLC.dll" to project reference.
  2. Go to "Solution Explorer" and right click your project to add a new "Class" item named "BarcodeDemo".
  3. Copy the following demo code to your project.
  4. Click "Build" tab and choose "Build Web Site".
  5. Switch to "Solution Explorer" and right click your web project to add a new "Report" item.
  6. Drag a "Table" in "Report Items" under "Toolbox" to the report and insert "BarcodeName" and "BarcodeId" to the table columns.
  7. Go to "Toolbox" and insert "Image" item to the last column and name the column "Barcode".
  8. Revise "Source" to "Database", "MIMEType" to "image/jpeg", "Value" to "=Fields!Byte.Value" through "Properties" window.
  9. In "Solution Explorer", right click "Default.aspx" and select "View Designer" to add a "ReportViewer" to the project.
  10. Select your created report and run your web project.
C# Sample code
     public class BarocdeDemo

private string m_barcodeName;
private int m_barcodeId;
private byte[] m_byte;
public BarocdeDemo(string barcodeName, int barcodeId, string data)
m_barcodeName = barcodeName;
m_barcodeId = barcodeId;
BarCode barcode = new BarCode();
barcode.Symbology = KeepAutomation.Barcode.Symbology.Code11;
barcode.CodeToEncode = data;
m_byte = barcode.generateBarcodeToByteArray();
public byte[] Byte
get { return m_byte; }
public string BarcodeName
get { return m_barcodeName; }
public int BarcodeId
get { return m_barcodeId; }
public class Merchant
private List<BarocdeDemo> m_barcodes;
public Merchant()
m_barcodes = new List<BarocdeDemo>();
m_barcodes.Add(new BarocdeDemo("code11", 001, "code11"));
m_barcodes.Add(new BarocdeDemo("code25", 002, "code25"));
m_barcodes.Add(new BarocdeDemo("code39", 003, "code39"));
m_barcodes.Add(new BarocdeDemo("code93", 004, "code93"));
m_barcodes.Add(new BarocdeDemo("code128",005, "code128"));
m_barcodes.Add(new BarocdeDemo("upcean", 006, "upcean"));
public List<BarocdeDemo> GetProducts()
return m_barcodes;

VB Sample code
     Public Class BarocdeDemo

Private m_barcodeName As String
Private m_barcodeId As Integer
Private m_byte As Byte()
Public Sub New(barcodeName As String, barcodeId As Integer, data As String)
m_barcodeName = barcodeName
m_barcodeId = barcodeId
Dim barcode As New BarCode()
barcode.Symbology = KeepAutomation.Barcode.Symbology.Code39
barcode.CodeToEncode = data
m_byte = barcode.generateBarcodeToByteArray()
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property [Byte]() As Byte()
Return m_byte
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property BarcodeName() As String
Return m_barcodeName
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property BarcodeId() As Integer
Return m_barcodeId
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public Class Merchant
Private m_barcodes As List(Of BarocdeDemo)
Public Sub New()
m_barcodes = New List(Of BarocdeDemo)()
m_barcodes.Add(New BarocdeDemo("code11", 1, "code11"))
m_barcodes.Add(New BarocdeDemo("code25", 2, "code25"))
m_barcodes.Add(New BarocdeDemo("code39", 3, "code39"))
m_barcodes.Add(New BarocdeDemo("code93", 4, "code93"))
m_barcodes.Add(New BarocdeDemo("code128", 5, "code128"))
m_barcodes.Add(New BarocdeDemo("upcean", 6, "upcean"))
End Sub
Public Function GetProducts() As List(Of BarocdeDemo)
Return m_barcodes
End Function
End Class

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KeepAutomation provides complete barcode automation solutions. We recommend the customers use high quality document controls: ASP.NET Document Viewer, ASP.NET MVC Document Viewer, Document Viewer ASP.NET C#, ASP.NET PDF Viewer, ASP.NET Word Viewer, ASP.NET Excel Viewer, ASP.NET PDF Editor, MVC PDF Viewer, ASP.NET Annotate PDF, c# pdf sdk, C# View, edit PDF online , C# Convert PDF to Tiff, C# Convert PDF to text, txt, .net imaging sdk, C# PDF metadata edit from